The world in numbers

2 weeks and 8 blogs later we have realised, to bring effect to even a single life through this blog, we would have to try something different. Today we try a more unusual and unorthodox way to usher forward in a better world. So here are some eye opening, glass shattering facts for the privileged 1%.

First things first, the present. The impact of human footprint, the consequences of consumerism on things, lives and elements around us. We’d need 1.7 planets to support the demand on the earth’s ecosystems. To put things in perspective, we will consume all of earth's 2021 resources by July 13, in 1999 it was September 29.

Did you also know, 5 million plastic products are sold every minute and 91% of that is not recycled due to which there are more pieces of plastic in our oceans than there are stars in the galaxy. Imagine living a life of a fish, you can’t, can you? Let us help you. Check this. It’s also wrong to think that just stopping this lifestyle will make everything normal given it takes 450 years for a plastic to biodegrade, I would think you were joking.

Now let’s talk about trees. Would you be shocked to see one person just suddenly vanishings every minute? Yes? Then why doesn’t the disappearance of trees not scare you? Trees are the lungs of the world. We all know it, but I think no one understands it, no one comprehends it. If we do understand it, we don’t care about it. Let’s see if this changes anything. One and a half acres of forest are cut down every second. In fact, average wildlife populations have dropped by 60 per cent in just over 40 years. Up to 28,000 more species are expected to become extinct by the next quarter of the century due to deforestation. Apart from that deforestation is also the 2nd biggest contributor to global warming.

And speaking of global warming its calculated that since 1970, CO2 emissions have increased by about 90%. Around 40% of all carbon emissions are emitted by the richest 1% of the world’s population, that includes you. The 20 warmest years on record have been in the past 22 years and more than 1 million species face extinction now. If u only care about humans, then know that up to 200 million people could be displaced by climate change by 2050 and yes if u live in one of those big cities near the water, count yourself one of them. And at the end of all this, climate change could be irreversible by 2030.

Was this enough eye opening for a single day? If not, then check this for some more devastating and shocking numbers.

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