Taking a break from work

Recharge Energy

Step back from a screen or reading the paper, and read some fun book or some journal book which helps energize your mind. It also keeps your mind relaxed, and work more productive when coming back to work.


Some Healthy Snack or Food 

The best and easy way to renew energy is having some nutritious snack, drink, or food(juice, cereal, chocolate bar, etc). It helps energize your body and mind to feel more active before going back to work. 


Call Someone 

A great way to take a break from work is to have some small chat with someone you are comfortable with, take your mind off of work for a while. You will come back feeling more focused and freshly energized to continue your work.


Small Stretching Exercises 

One long workday, taking an hour to get some stretching exercise will help to relax your body and mind and avoid office syndrome for better health in the short and long term by decrease stress and anxiety.



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